

Most viewed of: Spirituality

Breaking the body aging code and reversing the aging process

If you had an algorithm that could give you perfect health, would you be willing to say yes to this protocol? Well, you might say that we can never break the rules and patterns of this world. Yes, app....

Spirituality,Spiritual awakening,,,

Increase your existential frequency with this method

Increase your existential frequency because a society where the existential frequency of its people resonates in its highest state will be a society free from all evil. And this reflection will show i....


What is Kundalini Awakening and How to Wake it Up?

You are neither your body nor the life force in it. You are the consciousness that precedes both. But your true self, is the lowest part of who you are now. So we use the life force (cosmic energy) as....


Sleeping on these four nights will hurt your body

There are four major nights of the year when changes occur on Earth, and being aware of these changes and making good use of this opportunity will help you in particular to reach a higher level of con....

Spirituality,Spiritual Awakening,,,

Patterns and their Impact on Human Life

Our world is designed according to certain rules that follow numbers and are arranged in mathematics. Fractals are also repetitive patterns of numbers that appear in our nature and life. And if look a....